Princess Ellian 2024 Spellbound Animated Movie Blue CoatSpellbound is an animated and musical fantasy comedy film directed by Vicky Jenson. The movie revolves around the character of Princess Ellien who is the protagonist of the movie, and follows the adventures of Ellian, the determined and relentless princess who must go on an adventurous journey to save her parents and the kingdom called Lumbria after a mysterious and dangerous spell transforms her parents, the King and Queen of Lumbria, into monsters.Princess Ellian is known for her decent and distinctive wardrobe in the movie Spellbound. One of the attractive and stylish pieces she wears in the film is the Spellbound Blue Coat. This coat has become a memorable and impactful part of her character’s identity in the movie, exhibiting her royal status and brave personality.The spellbound blue coat indeed symbolises royalty and bravery through its unique characteristics, the coat being a deep blue, which indicates both royalty and calmness.The fabric used in making this coat is suiting fabric which gives off luxurious vibes. It is lined with soft and high quality viscose material making it easy to wear. It comes with two side pockets and two inner pockets. The coat is customised to perfection, featuring a slim, flattering fit that compels Princess Ellian’s brave and graceful personality. It has a high, stand-up style collar that adds a dramatic touch to the fit, offering a modern yet royal feel to the coat. Also, the coat is adorned with beautiful silver embroidery, adding a touch of elegance and royalty. The embroidery is inspired by floral and vine patterns, giving it a magical look, matching the character’s name and theme of the movie.Don’t miss the chance to lay off your hands on this beautiful and intricate blue coat inspired by Princess Ellien. Check out this blue coat at a huge discount on our website and other movie jackets. Hurry up and grab your royal yet modern-day blue coat before it runs out of stock.
Princess Ellian Spellbound Blue Coat - William Jacket
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